Get Ready For Take Your Dog To Work Day - Friday June 21st

With Take Your Dog to Work Day just around the corner this Friday, it's time to prepare for a day of wagging tails and furry companionship at the office. While bringing your dog to work can be a fun and rewarding experience, it also requires some careful planning and consideration to ensure a positive experience for both your pup and your colleagues. Here are five essential tips for office-dog etiquette, including what you need to bring for a smooth day at work.

1. Prepare for Safe Travel

  • Car Seats: The best thing about our DOOG car seats is that they can double as a dog bed when you arrive at the office so your dog can arrive at work safely but also be super comfy and calm under your desk in their comfy DOOG car seat. 
  • Comfortable Carrier: If using public transportation, a comfortable, well-ventilated carrier is essential for your dog's safety and comfort.Pack the Essentials.

2. Pack the Essentials

  • Food and Water Bowls: Pack portable food and water bowls. Ensure your dog stays hydrated and has access to their regular food to avoid any digestive issues.
  • Toys and Chews: Bring your dog’s favourite toys and chews to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated during the workday. 

3. Establish a Restroom Routine

  • Frequent Breaks: Schedule regular potty breaks for your dog. Take them outside every few hours to prevent accidents and ensure they get enough exercise.
  • Waste Bags: Always have waste bags on hand to clean up after your dog. Be considerate of your colleagues and maintain a clean environment.

4. Maintain Good Behaviour

  • Leash and Harness or Collar: Keep your dog on a leash when moving around the office to ensure control and prevent any unexpected encounters with other dogs or employees. Our Clip it leash is great as you can clip it around your desk leg to stop your dog from roaming around too much. 
  • Training and Commands: Make sure your dog knows basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. This helps manage their behaviour and ensures they remain well-behaved around others. Our small treat pouches are great for holding a small amount of treats. Keep one by your desk and divvy our treats throughout the day for good behaviour. 

5. Communicate and Respect Boundaries

  • Notify Colleagues: Inform your coworkers about your plan to bring your dog and check for any allergies or fears. Respect those who may not be comfortable around dogs.
  • Quiet Space: Identify a quiet space where your dog can retreat if they become overwhelmed. This helps them feel safe and reduces stress for both your dog and your colleagues. As mentioned above, putting your DOOG car seat under your desk gives your dog a safe space to chill out in while you work. 

By following these tips, you can ensure a fun, safe, and harmonious Take Your Dog to Work Day for everyone involved!